Get Permission Rathi, Kayarkar, Verulkar, Mahajan, Bhurani, and Padmanaban: Comparative analysis of lingual vs labial orthodontics on mental and physical outcomes in young boys and girls


Orthodontic treatment needs the use of the most appropriate force in order to achieve maximum tooth movement while causing the least amount of damage to the root, periodontal ligament (PDL) and alveolar bone.1 Orthodontic appliances have traditionally been attached to the teeth's labial or buccal surfaces (labial fixed appliances). The number of adult patients has been steadily increasing throughout the years 2 Inn which lingual orthodontics is a complete system that necessitates precise diagnosis, case selection, and treatment procedure. It is a type of orthodontic treatment that is virtually undetectable in typical social situations. Appliances brackets for lingual orthodontics have been introduced during the 1970s and were completely suited to patients’ needs. After the appliance was introduced, the outcomes were shown to be comparable to lingual and labial appliances. Evidence suggests that the lingual surfaces of the teeth are more sensitive, though. They offer greater protection against dental cavities when compared to labial surfaces. Instead of the more conventional labial fixed appliances, lingual fixed appliances are now more frequently used in orthodontics to address malocclusion.2 Biologically acceptable orthodontic forces and/or more controlled tooth movement were the original goals of labial and lingual self-ligating brackets when compared to those offered by traditional orthodontic bracket system. The ligation time of labial self-ligating brackets is significantly less than that of wire-ligated traditional brackets, according to numerous studies. However, it has been noted that lingual self-ligating brackets may cut down on the amount of chairside time required to change arch wires more than the labial self-ligating device.3 Only a small fraction of patients utilize it because there have been reports of biting, chewing, and articulation problems with appliances. Wiechmann (2008) and others. More finishing precision is needed for lingual orthodontics in order to monitor development, and as an added benefit, lingual braces are more expensive. (1999; Rummel et al.).4 During invasive movement in lingual orthodontics, the force application point to the centre of resistance shifts, resulting in a lingual tipping force.5 If a patient requires orthodontic treatment, it should be beneficial to him or her in terms of occlusion, dental and periodontal health, dentition longevity and so on. Speech, attractiveness and self-esteem are all factors to consider. They must sometimes consider the needs of patients who require an aesthetic or invisible treatment, which is now available either using lingual methods or aligner technology.6 Before determining whether or not to treat a malocclusion, it's critical to understand what changes might occur in the oral environment during treatment. However, like many others, in comparison to other procedures, orthodontic therapy has a number of advantages risks and repercussions. Oral hygiene, for example, may be difficult to maintain throughout therapy, resulting in plaque collection, gingival irritation and other complications and demineralization of the enamel caries is a common side effect.7 The goal of this study is to assess the effects of lingual and labial orthodontic treatment on young boys' and girls' physical and mental results in order to overcome the orthodontic problem. The current review is looking at how children and adolescents' oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) has changed both before and after receiving orthodontic treatment.

Materials and Methods

Eligibility criteria According to the Participants, Interventions, Comparisons, Outcomes, and Study design (PICOS) scheme,

Our research examined the effects of lingual and labial appliances on young boys' and girls' physical and mental outcomes in parallel or split-mouth randomized and non-randomized prospective controlled trials on human subjects (young girls and boys). Nonclinical research, retrospective studies, and studies using only part of the appliance were excluded (i.e. where the appliance was not placed on all teeth, excluding second and third molars). Using a 15-year search constraint, we searched the published literature in the MEDLINE database for studies in English from March 2012 to March 2022 using PubMed, Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL).

In addition, the AMSTAR (Quality assessment of systematic review guidelines)-recommended an Open Grey System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe ( was used to conduct an electronic screening for grey literature. Hand searches of the bibliographies of the retrieved full-text articles and a manual search of the pertinent dental journals were included as supplements to the electronic search. We asked the study's trial authors for information on any further trials that were either missing or still in progress.

Moreover, manual searches of the included trials' reference lists and pertinent reviews were done. One author (R.R.) screened titles found through the search and then independently checked their entire texts and abstracts against the qualifying requirements with another author (A.V). Any discrepancies were handled by a third author (S.W). Initial searches for the current systematic review turned up 1500 articles; the first 715 duplicate publications were eliminated. 124 complete publications were evaluated for the study after a further 590 items were removed after the screening. 14 studies focusing on the state of orthodontic research.

High kappa coefficient (k> 0.65) reliability between the two reviewers indicated good reliability. Six of the research that was included were prospective longitudinal studies, four were descriptive questionnaire surveys, and the remaining four studies focused on program overview and description.

Statistical analysis

The tool RevMan 5.4.1 was used to conduct the risk of bias assessment in the current study using the standard methodology for evaluating bias in studies included in Cochrane Reviews (Higgins 2011). The six distinct domains were addressed using the two-part tool. A "Risk of bias" table contained one or more specific items for each domain. The first section of the tool is a description of what is alleged to have occurred in the research inside each entry. The tool's second section asks users to rate the likelihood of bias for each entry as either low risk, unclear risk, or high risk.

Result and Observations

In Figure 1, the trial's features are shown. Out of the 14 trials included, five were parallel randomized controlled trials (RCTs), one was a split-mouth RCT based on the treated jaw, and the remaining eight were parallel prospective non-randomized clinical trials. With a total of 472 individuals and an average age of 21.32 years, we enrolled at least 130 male and 237 female patients in five trials. Two studies employed personalized appliances, while the majority (75%) of the lingual appliance groups and all (100%) of the labial appliance groups used prefabricated appliances. Each patient will receive a customized set of lingual appliances (Incognito Appliance; 3M-Unitek, Ormco, Glendora Monrovia, JoyTM [Adenta]; previously TOP Service for Lingual technik, Bad Essen, Germany). Only seven studies provided information on the archwires utilized, even in part. Among these six studies, four made use of prefabricated archwires for both the lingual and labial groups, while two made use of individualized lingual archwires and prefabricated labial archwires. Table 1 displays the risk of bias evaluation for the 14 trials that were considered. All trials had significant methodological flaws for at least one bias dimension. The weak or nonexistent randomization (high risk in 9.52% of the trials) and the absence of outcome assessor blinding (absent in 63.0% of the trials) were the most problematic domains.

Figure 1

Prisma 2020 flow diagram for new systematic review which included searches of databases and registers only

Table 1

General information provided in the included studies


Design/ Geography

Patients M\F

Mean Age (year)




Physical outcomes (time)

Mental outcomes (time)

Wu A et al. (2010 & 2011)2

pCCT University China

60 (20/40)



Incognito (TOP Service for Lingualtechnik, Bad Essen, Germany

Indirect (Max & Mand)

Pain experience, oral discomfort, mastication, speech disturbances (1 wk, 1 month, 3 months)

Sleep disturbance, analgesic consumption timing of initial pain


Mini-Diamond (Ormco, Orange, California, USA)

Pain experience, oral discomfort, mastication, speech disturbances (1 wk, 1 month, 3 months)

Sleep disturbances

Rai al 2013 8

pCCT University India




STb brackets (Ormco, Glendora, CA, USA)

Indirect (Max & Mand) with TAD + BPD System

Speech difficulty aft bonding (T2)

Initial bonding pain appear.


MBT Versatile + brackets (3M Unitek, Monrovia, CA, USA)

Direct (Max & Mand

Speech recovered within 1wk

Initial bonding pain appear.

Rai al 2014 9

pCCT University India

24 (11/13)



STb brackets (Ormco, Glendora, CA, USA)

Direct (Max & Mand)

Speech disturbance(Bef-Tx, 1 d, 1 wk, 1 month


MBT Versatile + brackets (3M Unitek, Monrovia, CA, USA

Shalish M, et al. 201210

pCCT University/ practices Israel

47 (18/29)



Incognito (3M-Unitek, Monrovia, CA, USA)

Indirect (Max & Mand)

Eating difficulty aft Trt

Initially oral pain occur aft Trt


(GAC International, Inc., Bohemia NY, USA or Ormco, Glendora, CA, USA

Direct (Max & Mand)

Pain intensity

Soldanova et al. 2011; 201211

pCCT University Czech Republic

50 (11/39)



2D brackets (Forestadent, St Louis, Missouri, USA)

(Max & Mand)

Lingual 2D technique also represents an aesthetically favourable solution for adult patients.



Minitrim brackets grant (Dentaurum, Ispringen, Germany

(Max & Mand)



Van der Veen et al. 2010 12

Split-mouth (Max-Mand) RCT practice Germany

28 (NR)



Incognito (TOP Service for Lingualtechnik, Bad Essen, Germany)

Indirect (Max & Mand)

Lingual brackets are in favor over buccal brackets,when smooth surfaces is Considered.



Orthos (Ormco, Glendorra, CA, USA)

Direct(Max & Mand)



Venkatesh et al.2015 13

pCCT University India




STb brackets (Ormco, Glendora, CA, USA)

Indirect (Max & Mand) with TAD + BPD System

Cephalometric sagittal anchorage loss of the first maxillary permanent molar (before and after space closure)



Victory brackets (3M Unitek, Monrovia, CA, USA)

Direct (Max & Mand

Labial appliance could be less considered in critical anchorage cases.


Carlos Bellot-Arcısa et al. 201514

RCT University of Valencia (Spain)





Max & Mand)

Lingual orthodontic patients do exhibit more Perfectionist traits.




Max & Mand)

Oral discomfort

Ahmad Alobeid. 2018 3

pCCT University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada




(i) twin bracket systems (Incognito [3M] and Joy™ [Adenta]),

(ii) Passive selfligating bracket system (GAC In-Ovation®LM™ [Dentsply]), and (iii) Active self-ligating bracket system (Evolution SLT [Adenta])


Lingual brackets are less efficient. Aft trt



i) Regular twin brackets (GAC-Twin [Dentsply]), (ii) Passive self-ligating brackets including (Damon-Q® [ORMCO]; Ortho classic H4™ [Orthoclassic]; FLI®SL [RMO]), and (iii) Active self-ligating brackets (GAC In-Ovation®C [DENTSPLY] and SPEED™ [Strite]).


Labial brackets are more efficient in tooth alignment at the initial stages. Aft tx


Khattab TZ. et al 201315

RCT University Syria

34 (13/21)



Stealth (American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, WI, USA)

Indirect (Max) with TARG + TR System

Discomfort in speech and also impairment mastication difficulties are observed



Mini Master Series (American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, WI, USA)

Direct (Max)

Speech articulation(1wk) soft tissue irritation and chewing difficulty


Khattab TZ, et al 2014 16

RCT University Syria

52 (20/32)



Stealth (American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, WI, USA)

Indirect (Max) with TARG + TR System



Mini Master Series (American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, WI, USA)

Direct (Max)

Lombardo et al. 20135

RCT University/ practice (?) Turkey/ Italy

20 (5/15)



STb brackets (Ormco, Glendora, CA, USA)

NR (Max & Mand)

Gingival inflammation (4&8 wk aft-trt)



(American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, WI, USA; Roth prescription

NR (Max & Mand)

Gingival inflammation


Frauke Beyling et al 2013 17

RCT Wiechmann and Partners, Bad Essen, Germany

45 (NR)



Reliance Orthodontic Products Inc., Itasca, IL, USA

Direct (Mand)



[i] Dimensional; Aft-Tx: After treatment; App: Appliance; Bef-Tx: before treatment; DMFT, decayed, missing, and filled teeth; GBI: Gingival bleeding index; Lab: Labial; Ling: Lingual; Max: maxilla; Man: mandible; M/F: male/female; NR: not reported; Pat-rep: patient-reported; pCCT: prospective non-randomized clinical trial; PI: plaque index; RCT: Randomized controlled trial; TARG-TR: torque angulation reference guide + thickness & rotation; VAS: visual analogue scale; NS; not stated. Immediately before bonding – T1.24 h after bonding – T2.1 week after bonding – T3.1 month after bonding – T4


The 14 trials that were included in the current systematic review were separated into five parallel RCTs, one split-mouth RCT based on the treated jaw, and eight parallel prospective non-randomized clinical trials. Regarding the therapeutic efficacy of lingual appliances, particularly with regard to their long-term implications, there is a dearth of research that is alarming. The majority of the trials were non-randomized, looked at temporary negative effects, and had significant flaws in their design, execution, and reporting. The current analysis demonstrates a randomized controlled trial to assess the physical and mental effects of lingual and labial orthodontic treatment in young boys and girls.

The current analysis demonstrates a randomized controlled trial to assess the physical and mental effects of lingual and labial orthodontic treatment in young boys and girls. Both the lingual and labial brackets have equal degrees of satisfaction, Wu A et al. in (2010 & 2011)2 found. Similarly, Scuzzo and Takemoto contend that because lingual brackets are situated nearer the posterior teeth's resistance center than labial brackets are, the anchorage they offer may be superior. According to Khattab et al.,15 the lingual appliance was more difficult to use for speech articulation than the labial one. Although patients using both appliances experienced varying degrees of oral impairment, those wearing lingual appliances saw greater negative side effects, especially in the first month of therapy. According to Ahmad Alobeid et al.,3 labial braces are initially more effective at aligning teeth than lingual brackets. According to research by Shalish et al.,10 patients with lingual brackets had trouble eating, whereas those with labial brackets had higher pain levels, required more analgesic use, and required longer days to reach mild or no discomfort (days 1–7 and day 14 after appliance).

Figure 2

Risk of bias graph-review authors' judgments about each risk of bias item presented as percentages across all included studies


We can infer from the above findings that both types of appliances inflamed soft tissues and made chewing difficult, but these were just transient concerns that disappeared in lingual appliances after two to four weeks. The lingual appliance group scored much higher than the buccal appliance group. During the first 2-4 weeks after lingual brackets were inserted, the majority of lingual patients saw gradual improvements in their oral impairment. By the third assessment session, the customer had expressed satisfaction.

Source of Funding


Conflict of Interest




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Received : 02-03-2023

Accepted : 25-03-2023

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