Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 2, Year : 2019
Article Page : 81-84
Platelets have a very essential role in periodontal regeneration as they are pond of cytokines and growth factors which are the key source for accelerating hard and soft tissue healing. Autologous platelet concentrate i.e. Platelet-rich plasma (1st Generation platelet concentrate) and platelet-rich fibrin (2nd Generation platelet concentrate) are formulated from patient’s own venous blood. Present day studies are being concentrated on the evolution of alternatives which are non-toxic, easy to prepare, biocompatible and cost effective that lead in the local release of growth factors for regeneration and maturation of the bone and soft tissue. PRF is a natural autologous fibrin-based biomaterial derived from an anticoagulant-free venous blood, with no artificial biochemical modifier that ushers to procure fibrin membranes enriched with platelets & growth factors. During centrifugation, slow polymerization forms PRF i.e a fibrin-based structure healing biomaterial better than 1st Generation platelet concentrate and other fibrin adhesives.
Keywords: Platelet rich fibrin, Platelet concentrate, Growth factors, Regeneration, Guided tissue regeneration.
How to cite : Chhabra P, Chhabra P , Sharma K , Platelet rich fibrin – its structural design and composition. Int J Oral Health Dent 2019;5(2):81-84
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