Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 3, Year : 2015
Article Page : 138-141
Nanodentistry is an innovation, a branch that makes possible the maintenance and upgradation of oral health care yet more precise and by employing nanomaterials, biotechnology, including tissue engineering & ultimately dental nanorobotics. Nanotechnology has a special consideration in orthodontics due to its capability to comprehend the orthodontic treatment as well as treating the aftermath of contemporary treatment modalities. An example of which is the advent of nanorobots for tooth repositioning and rotation corrections as they have the capability of manipulation of periodontal tissue including gingival fibres, periodontal fibres and alveolar bone. As their role in treating the aftermath of orthodontic treatment, nanorobots aid in tooth remineralization and bone augmenting owing to its mechanism of action. This review article highlights the history of nanotechnology, the mechanism of action, components, and its importance in orthodontics and aesthetics dentistry.
How to cite : Chaudhary G, Sharma T, Bahadur T R Y, Gera S, Nanodentistry: Today and Tomorrow. Int J Oral Health Dent 2015;1(3):138-141
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