Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 1, Year : 2019
Article Page : 7-9
The referral process in dentistry involves the mutual care and treatment of the same patient shared between the referring doctor and the specialist to whom the patient has been referred. Many factors in?uence the decision to refer a patient for specialist care and support. Clinical, personal, and economic factors of the referring doctor and the specialist coupled with the patient’s preferences and means make the referral process a complex entity in the everyday practice of dentistry. Good clinical reasoning and decision making in dentistry are necessary factors in the appropriate management and referral of patients with periodontal disease.
Keywords: General Practitioners, Referrals, Periodontitis.
How to cite : Aeran H, Tuli A, Gaind S, Periodontal referral patterns for general dentist. Int J Oral Health Dent 2019;5(1):7-9
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