Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 3, Year : 2018
Article Page : 191-193
Tooth rotation is displacement of tooth around its long axis. Fixed and removable orthodontics are the conventional methods for management of rotation. But in case of single tooth rotation especially for teeth with single conical root with open apex another option is surgical approach. The procedure is called surgical derotation. It is the repositioning of a rotated tooth in normal alignment along with adjacent tooth in the dental arch, by surgical method. The procedure is simple and gives patient aesthetic result immediately without relapse. This is a case report of successful management of almost 120 degree mesiopalatally rotated maxillary right central incisor with open apex of a 9 year old girl.
Keywords: Tooth rotation, Derotation, Splint, Maxillary central incisor, Young permanent tooth.
How to cite : K.b R, Vadakkepurayil K, Immediate management of rotated young permanent incisor by surgical approach - A case report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2018;4(3):191-193
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