Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 3, Year : 2018
Article Page : 170-174
Aim and Objective: 1. To know the prevalence of smoking and smokeless tobacco use; 2. Its impact on periodontal disease; 3. The quitting behavior in a population of Rishikesh.
Materials and Methods: Present study was conducted in Seema dental college and hospital Rishikesh. A pre-structured and pre-tested schedule was used for collection of relevant data pertaining to smoking form of tobacco. The socio-demographic variables were collected. Subjects were interviewed about their smoking status, different forms of smoking product used and periodontal parameters recorded.
Results: A total of 2012 subjects were studied. 220 out of 2012 were found to be exclusive tobacco users. 212 were males and 8 were females. More smokers were found to be males than females and the difference was found to be statistically significant (p<0> Conclusion: Prevalence of tobacco use more in males than females. Periodontal disease severity was higher in tobacco users. The desire to quit tobacco using was also found to be more among males as compared to female smokers.
Keywords: Tobacco, Periodontal status, Quitting.
How to cite : Aeran H, Tuli A, Abrol S, Gupta S, Prevalence of periodontal disease in tobacco using adult population of Rishikesh and their quitting behaviour. Int J Oral Health Dent 2018;4(3):170-174
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