Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 3, Year : 2018
Article Page : 143-147
Psychosomatic disorder is condition in which psychological stresses adversely affect physiological (somatic) functioning to the point of distress. They can cause disruptions in daily functioning, relationships, work, school, and other important domains. With appropriate diagnosis and treatment, however, people can find relief from their symptoms and discover ways to cope effectively. The MEDLINE/PubMed database was searched using certain combinations of keywords related to the topic. The search revealed that medical and dental practitioners are concerned with the emotional and psychological state of the patient, for it is an essential component of treatment and the success of the treatment often depends on the emotional state of the patient. In the present paper, various psychosomatic disorders, their classification, diagnosis and management has been discussed.
Keywords: Psychosomatic disorders, Diagnosis, Management, Dentistry.
How to cite : Agarwal A, Gupta R, Krishnan Y, Vishnoi L, Psychosomatic disorders: The challenge to meet out in clinic. Int J Oral Health Dent 2018;4(3):143-147
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