Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 2, Year : 2018
Article Page : 127-129
Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign salivary gland tumour consisting of cells exhibiting the ability to differentiate into epithelial and mesenchymal cells. Parotid is the most common site of occurrence among major salivary glands and palate is the most common site of occurrence in case of minor salivary gland involvement. This article presents a case of a dome shaped swelling over the posterolateral part of hard palate which was a diagnostic challenge, and was successfully treated by surgical excision.
Keywords: Pleomorphic adenoma, Palate, Minor salivary gland
How to cite : P.b R, P.n R, Kiruba Shankar K, Subedar S R, Vijaya Lakshmi G, Pleomorphic adenoma of hard palate -A case report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2018;4(2):127-129
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