Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2017
Article Page : 199-202
Mandibular fractures are amongst one of the most common facial fractures in children. Growth centers in the mandible along with the smaller size of jaws and numerous tooth buds present in them can complicate treatment in pediatric patients. Thus a conservative management protocol of closed reduction with functional therapies is the treatment of choice for most undisplaced pediatric mandibular fractures. This article discusses the management of symphysis fracture along with right condylar head and left subcondylar fracture in a 5 year old child. The reduction of fracture, construction and fixation of MacLennan splint with circum mandibular wiring was done under general anesthesia. This splint limited the discomfort and morbidity and served the purpose of reduction of fracture.
Keywords: MacLennan splint, Mandibular fracture, Trauma
How to cite : Varkey I M, Kurup P, Ghule K, Dixit U, MacLennan splint as a treatment modality in pediatric mandibular fractures - A case report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2017;3(3):199-202
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