Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2017
Article Page : 188-191
Achieving complete asepsis within the root canals during Endodontic therapy is an elusive goal of every dental practitioner. While many commercial root canal irrigants and medicaments are employed to achieve the same, they are not without undesirable side effects. A fair amount of scientific interest is currently being generated by the potential of traditional herbal agents and their use in achieving asepsis in the root canal. Research in nearly all branches of medicine exists documenting the potential of Turmeric as an antimicrobial agent. Curcumin, the active ingredient in Turmeric, has shown fair results in its antimicrobial action in Periodontics. Our in vitro study explores the antimicrobial potential of a curcumin-containing product DennkurTM against endodontic pathogens E.faecalis and C.albicans by the Agar cup method.
Keywords: Curcumin, Dennkur, E.faecalis, C.albicans
How to cite : Bhagwat S, Bambawale A, Mehta A, Padhye L, An investigation into the potential use of Dennkurâ„¢ as an intra-canal irrigant and medicament in Endodontics. Int J Oral Health Dent 2017;3(3):188-191
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