Knowledge, Awareness and Practices regarding Sharp Injuries amongst the Dental students

Original Article

Author Details : Rana Pratap Maurya, Malti Kumari Maurya, Rashmi Kushwaha, Sneh Lata Verma, Reema Kumari

Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2017

Article Page : 181-187

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Introduction: Dental students are at risk to various blood borne diseases transmitted by needle stick/sharp injuries (NSIs) during the course of their clinical training which have been. To reduce the risk from NSIs there should be an essential need to improve and update the knowledge of NSIs and its management by continued education programmes as seminars, lectures and workshops.
Aim: To assess the knowledge, awareness and practices regarding sharp injuries amongst the dental students.
Materials and Method: This cross-sectional survey based study was conducted among the 150 voluntarily participated dental students who were receiving their undergraduate clinical training in various dental colleges. Data was recorded on a structured questionnaire to elicit the level of knowledge, awareness and practice towards sharp injuries. All data was tabulated in terms of number and percentage.
Results: 64% dental students experience NSI in last six month. The main cause of NSIs was orthodontic wires (18.75%) followed by explorer (15.63%), endodontic file and scalpel blade (14.58%), scaler (11.46%), hollow needle and bur (9.38%). Highest number of NSIs was found during orthodontic wire bending and treatment (18.75%) followed by the endodontic treatment (15.63%), diagnosis (12.50%), scaling (10.41%), needle recapping and restoration (8.33%). Adequate number of students had good knowledge and awareness regarding Needle stick/sharp injury. In practice, maximum number of dental students washed hands, used glove and recapped needle after uses but only few students dispose sharps in puncture proof container and used needle destroyer before discarding the syringe during clinical procedure.
Conclusion: Dental students required training and teaching regarding management of sharp injuries and should be encouraged to report it to concerned authority.

Keywords: Needle stick/Sharp injury, Post exposure prophylaxis, Dental Students

How to cite : Maurya R P, Maurya M K, Kushwaha R, Verma S L, Kumari R, Knowledge, Awareness and Practices regarding Sharp Injuries amongst the Dental students. Int J Oral Health Dent 2017;3(3):181-187

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