Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2017
Article Page : 133-141
Oral health is important for all children but is especially important for children with syndromes. Syndrome has a complex array of special features and functional challenges. Good oral health and proper dental follow up is an important element in the overall care pathway for these children.
Diagnosis of the syndrome in childhood is basically through oral abnormalities and Orthodontists may be the first to detect these cases by playing important role in early diagnosis. Oral symptoms are the main basis for diagnosis in childhood and adolescence, which is the time most patients receive orthodontic treatment and some of the most frequent clinical features of the syndrome are discovered through radiographs normally used in routine orthodontic procedure.
Orthodontic management for syndromic patients require correction of interarch and intra arch tooth relationships to restore near to normal masticatory as well as esthetic functions.
Literature regarding oral conditions in patients with various syndromes often covers the periodontal and carious aspects, but less literature was found describing orthodontic aspect. This review is compilation of various features requiring orthodontic corrections and a special emphasis is given on their orthodontic management.
Keywords: Syndromes, Orthodontic treatment and Oral care
How to cite : Batham P R, Batham A, Kalia U D, Syndromes and General concepts of their orthodontic management: A review. Int J Oral Health Dent 2017;3(3):133-141
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