Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2017
Article Page : 114-119
Introduction: Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is part of temporo-mandibular disorders (TMDs), which involve the masticatory muscles and cervical muscles around neck can also be affected. There are a lot of etiologies of MPS. Therefore, diagnostic procedures are very critical to make a proper treatment in treating TMDs. This paper aims to describe diagnostic and treatment procedures with special attention given to clinical importance of TMDs and the fabrication of Michigan splint.
Case Report: A clinical case with a 68-years-old female patient undergo a pain on right cheek area, especially while mouth opening for too long, there will be more pain and stiffness, also ever up to headache. On clinical examinations, there is no clicking, nor crepitus, and no pain on temporo-mandibular joint. However, there is pain by palpating multiple muscles around face and neck and limited jaw opening.
Discussion: Etiology factor of MPS on this patient was extrusion of lower right third molar leads to traumatic occlusion. Patient was treated with analgesics, muscle relaxants, fabrication of Michigan splint also occlusal adjustment. Michigan splint is also known as stabilization splint with cuspid rise and increasing the occlusal vertical dimension by the amount thickness of occlusal part of the splint, which is mostly indicated for patient with TMDs of arthrogenic/myogenic origin and nocturnal bruxism.
Conclusion: There are several ways which participate in management of TMDs. The occlusal splint may provide behavioral effects about the position, function and parafunction of the mandible as well as placebo effect.
Keywords: Temporo-mandibular disorder, Myofascial pain syndrome, Michigan splint, Stabilization splint
How to cite : Chihargo, Chairunnisa R, Management on Acute Symptoms of Myofascial Pain Syndrome by using Michigan Splint: A case report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2017;3(2):114-119
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