Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 1, Year : 2015
Article Page : 29-32
Basal cell adenoma(BCA) of minor salivary glands is an uncommon type of monomorphic adenoma. Most frequent location is the parotid gland and usually appears as a firm and mobile slow-growing mass which is histologically, char cterized as nests of isomorphic cells and interlaced trabeculae with a prominent basal membrane. There is also slack, hyaline stroma with absence of a myxoid or chondroid component. We describe a case of Basal Cell Adenoma of palatal minor salivary glands, a rare site for its occurrence.
Key Words: Basal cell, Salivary Glands, Monomorphic
How to cite : Sharma1 P, Singh2 D, *, Dixit3 J, Singh4 M K, Kumar5 N, Basal Cell Adenoma: A Case Report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2015;1(1):29-32
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