Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2017
Article Page : 1-5
The role of tumor markers in clinical oncology has increased tremendously over last decade, a trend that continues to grow as technology progresses and our understanding about human body and the disease processes increase. Tumour markers have wide applications in cancer care, starting from screening, choosing modality of management, assessment of prognosis to follow-up after treatment. Their judicious use in clinical practice needs a thorough understanding of the basics of pathophysiology and techniques of identification in any given malignancy. Of the numerous tumor markers identified, described and extensively researched upon, only a handful of them are used in routine clinical practice; and even of these, only a few have support of established consensus guidelines for use in day- to-day care of patients. This article discusses the uses of tumor markers, classification, some commonly used tumour markers and general principles for their optimal use.
Keywords: Tumor marker, Serum markers, Salivary markers, Early diagnosis, Malignancy
How to cite : Velpula N, Yathavakilla C N, Ramesh A, Tumor Markers- A Review. Int J Oral Health Dent 2017;3(1):1-5
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