Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2016
Article Page : 243-247
Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate different gingival retraction methods to check for the most accurate method and their effect on gingival and periodontal health.
Material and Method: Sixty patients requiring crown on mandibular first molar were divided into four categories: Group I included retraction with plain cord, Group II included retraction with cord soaked in local anaesthetic solution, Group III used Expasyl for retraction and in Group IV Magic foam cord was used. For marginal fit, marginal discrepancy between the measurement coping and the cast was assessed at 8 reference marks using Digital Vernier calipers.
Result: This study showed that all retraction techniques caused an acute injury after 1 day of retraction, which took 1 week to heal in the cord (plain and impregnated) and the Magic Foam groups. The Expasyl group had the highest GI compared with others, and showed slower healing. Its use might cause sensitivity in a small number of cases. The use of cordless techniques did not require haemostatic agent to control bleeding during retraction.
All the four techniques showed adequate gingival retraction for the prosthesis. Clinically insignificant differences were seen in the four groups regarding the retraction achieved.
Conclusion: Within the limitations of the study, it was concluded that all the four methods were effective for gingival retraction. Judicious clinical judgment & skill of the operator are the deciding factors for the selection of any one of the various methods of soft-tissue management.
Keywords: Gingival retraction, plain cord, cord soaked with LA, Expasyl, Magic foam cord, Gingival health
How to cite : Gupta R, Aggarwal R, Siddiqui Z, Comparison of various methods of gingival retraction on gingival and Periodontal health and marginal fit. Int J Oral Health Dent 2016;2(4):243-247
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