Prevalence of herbal supplement use among adult dental patients in Makkah city, Saudi Arabia

Original Article

Author Details : Ohud S. Al-Zughaibi, Lujain A. Filimban, Salwa A. Aldahlawi

Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2016

Article Page : 232-235

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The use of herbal supplement (HS) is widespread in most population, especially among patients suffering from chronic illness. Herb drug interaction can cause a significant risk during dental. This study aimed at assessing the prevalence of herbal supplement use among adults seeking dental treatment in four governmental dental centers in Makkah City, SA and to report on the demographic of the HS users, their systemic health and the use of other medication alongside HS use.
Material & Method: Self-administrated questionnaires used to collect information from adults seeking dental treatment at four governmental hospitals in Makkah city during 2015. The questionnaire collected demographic data and inquired about herbal use, type of herbs most commonly consumed, medical conditions and conventional drug and over the counter prescription use. Descriptive analysis was used for the report of the results.
Results: Out of 500 questioners distributed, 300 were completed and included in the analysis. Seventy-nine percent of the responders reported using herbs for treatment or prevention of diseases with mint (mintha piperita) being the most frequently consumed.  Twenty-seven percent of responders have at least one systemic disease. 81.8% of them, reported consuming both herbs and prescribed medication. By far 90.3% of the respondents with the systemic condition and under prescribed medicine are consuming herbs without informing their dentists. Even though 24.3% of the respondents assume that herbs have side effects, 58.6% of them believe herbal supplements are harmless.
Conclusion: The majority of adult dental patients in Makkah city used herbal supplements regularly and a significant portion used prescription medication and herbal supplement concurrently. There was low disclosure of the herbal supplement use to the dentist putting the patients at increased risk of herbal-drug interaction.

Keywords: Herbal supplement, Dental treatment, Herb- drug interaction

How to cite : Al-zughaibi O S, Filimban L A, Aldahlawi S A, Prevalence of herbal supplement use among adult dental patients in Makkah city, Saudi Arabia. Int J Oral Health Dent 2016;2(4):232-235

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