Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2016
Article Page : 220-223
Sterilization of the root canal is the ultimate goal for successful endodontics. The extrusion of apical debris has a harmful effect on the prognosis of root canal treatment. New innovative file designs and cutting rake angles have in abed in less extrusion of debris.
Materials and Methods: 40 straight rooted single rooted human mandibular premolar teeth were divided in 2 groups of 20 teeth each. Each group were instrumented with rotary Mtwo systems and Protaper next system. The apically extruded debris was collected on the pre-weighed Millipore plastic filter disk and weighed using microbalance. Intracanal debris was analyzed using binocular research microscope. The mean weight of extruded debris for each group in the root canal was statistically analyzed by a Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance and Mann-Whitney U test.
Results: The results show that all instrumentation techniques produce some amount of extruded debris and irrigant. The amount of extrusion was least in Protaper next group as compared to M two file group.
Conclusions: Considering the study, Rotary instruments with their innovative designs & less screwing in effect has drastically decreased the apical extrusion of debris & intracanal debris but extrusion of debris was seen in all the groups.
Keywords: Apical extrusion, Mtwo, Protaper next, Debris, Rotary
How to cite : Dass A, Saxena A, Chandak M, Bhatia C, Shrivastava S, Quantatitative assessment of apical debris extrusion in apical third using two different NiTi rotary systems- An in vitro study. Int J Oral Health Dent 2016;2(4):220-223
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