Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 2, Year : 2024
Article Page : 114-120
Background: In this study, we examined the prevalence of impacted and supernumerary teeth in Libyans based on their age, gender, and type of teeth.
Materials and Methods: Data sources were 374 patients referred to the University Hospital at Benghazi and Almarj as part of this study, including their clinical records. Age, gender, the number of impacted/supernumerary teeth, the type and frequency of impacted/supernumerary teeth, and other variables were examined and processed.
Results: A total of 374 patients were examined, of which 295 (78.8%) were female, and 79 (21.2%) were male, with a male-to-female ratio of 1:3.7. Among patients with impacted teeth, 194 (35.8%) had one, 134 (31.5%) had two, and 139 (32.7%) had three or more impacted teeth. Of 585 impacted teeth, there were only 23 premolars (3.93%), 10 supernumerary teeth (1.7%), 2 impacted molar (0.34%), 7 impacted incisors (1.19%), 2 impacted odontome (0.34%) and 2 impacted deciduous teeth (0.34%).
Conclusions: The third molars revealed the highest frequency of impaction (P<0>
Keywords: Libya population, Canine, Third molar, Tooth impaction, Supernumerary.
How to cite : Krishnaraaj S, Orafi M, The prevalence of impacted and supernumerary teeth among Libyans attending a university hospital. Int J Oral Health Dent 2024;10(2):114-120
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Received : 04-01-2024
Accepted : 30-03-2024
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