Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 4, Year : 2023
Article Page : 298-302
The management of the resorbed mandibular ridge is a difficult task. Rehabilitating a patient who is completely edentulous is a common dental procedure, but it can sometimes be challenging and difficult. Making an impression with the available stock trays, even after modification, is difficult in extremely resorbed ridges.Many materials have been used to record and transfer the neutral zone in complete dentures. So here we present a new technique of making an impression with properly adapted wire for recording the impression along with recording the neutral zone with a heavy body addition silicone impression material that rests on the wire loops projecting upward on the denture base to achieve maximum retention and stability and also for the preservation of residual alveolar ridge.
Keywords: Resorbed mandibular ridge, Impression technique, Orthodontic wire, Condensation Silicone, Neutral zone.
How to cite : Ade N, Khalikar S, Mahale K, Rajguru V, Mahajan S, Tandale U, Orthodontic wires: newer approach for impression making and neutral zone in severely resorbed mandibular ridge: A case report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2023;9(4):298-302
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Received : 14-09-2023
Accepted : 18-10-2023
Viewed: 1122
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