Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 3, Year : 2023
Article Page : 234-238
The prosthodontic care for palatal defects is crucial for effectively closing oronasal communication in patients and enhancing various aspects of their oral health. This includes improving masticatory function, speech clarity, aesthetics, and overall comfort. Maxillary defects often arise as a result of surgical interventions for conditions like malformations, neoplasms, or traumatic injuries. In such cases, the primary objective of employing an obturator is to close the palatal defects that result from maxillectomy procedures, with the ultimate aim of enhancing both speech and masticatory function. This article presents a comprehensive case study highlighting the prosthetic rehabilitation of a maxillectomy defect resulting from osteosarcoma. The rehabilitation approach incorporates the use of a hollow bulb obturator, showcasing its transformative impact on the patient's masticatory function, speech clarity and aesthetics thus enhances the patient's quality of life.
Keywords: Maxillary defect, Hollow bulb obturator, Hemimaxillectomy, Rehabilitation
How to cite : Aeran H, Kumar V, Aeran M, Enhancing quality of life: A hollow bulb obturator in palatal defect rehabilitation - A case report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2023;9(3):234-238
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Received : 10-09-2023
Accepted : 24-09-2023
Viewed: 731
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