Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 3, Year : 2023
Article Page : 220-224
Peripheral cementifying fibroma is a relatively uncommon, solitary, nonneoplastic gingival growth. They are usually painless and are often ignored by the patient until they become symptomatic or are diagnosed by the dentist. Due to long-standing, undiagnosed lesions, ulcerations were common. A recurrence rate of 5 – 20% was seen after excision. It depends on the diagnosis, the efficacy of the surgical removal, and the reduction of local irritating factors associated with their aetiology. Histologic diagnoses for the lesions are recommended clinically; they may be similar to various lesions, but the recurrence rates may differ. This report discusses a peripheral certifying fibroma affecting the mandibular posterior region; the lesion was excised surgically, followed by appropriate treatment.
Keywords: Fibroma, Gingival overgrowth, Peripheral ossifying, Peripheral certifying.
How to cite : Mehra G, Mahajan A, Agarwal G, Peripheral cementifying fibroma of the oral cavity: A case report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2023;9(3):220-224
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Received : 06-09-2023
Accepted : 16-09-2023
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