Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 3, Year : 2023
Article Page : 196-200
Background: Many of the parents are not aware that primary dentition should be maintained in the dental arch in a healthy state for the overall health of the child. They believe that the treatment of primary teeth is not necessary as they are replaced by permanent teeth.
Aim and Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, awareness and attitude of parents towards primary tooth pulp therapy.
Materials and Methods: Pretested questionnaire which included the demographics like age, gender and education level with further investigative questions on the need for pulp therapy in primary teeth, knowledge about pulp treatment, importance of pulp treatment, reason of dental visit, restoration of carious tooth and preference of pulp therapy was offered to the participants. Data was collected and compiled using Excel software. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed to obtain the results.
Results: A total of 78 parents participated in the study. Out of which, 69 were female and 9 were men. Based on the education level, parents who studied below 10 standard felt that dental treatment was not needed for primary teeth and 62.5% of them felt that pulp therapy of primary teeth is not needed. On the other hand, parents who completed postgraduation knew that primary teeth are important and dental treatment is required for primary teeth. There is significant lack of awareness among parents regarding treatment of primary teeth.
Conclusion: This present study has strived to gather vital information on parents’ oral health awareness and attitudes towards their child’s decayed teeth. While some of the responses were valid, it was clear that parents are still unaware of some important aspects of their child's oral health.
Keywords: Awareness, Attitude, Pulp therapy, Primary teeth.
How to cite : Mahabaleshwara P, Sundeep Hegde K, Sargod S S, Ajay Rao Ht, Knowledge, awareness and attitude of parents on pulp therapy of primary teeth: A questionnaire study. Int J Oral Health Dent 2023;9(3):196-200
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Received : 16-08-2023
Accepted : 12-09-2023
Viewed: 856
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