Micronuclei frequency as an early diagnostic tool for detection of Oral Cancer: A comparative study

Original Article

Author Details : Akanksha Gupta, Thimmarasa V Bhovi, Prashant P Jaju, Ankit Gupta, Manas Gupta, Kriti Shrivastava

Volume : 2, Issue : 2, Year : 2016

Article Page : 77-83

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Aim & Objectives: To assess and compare the levels of micronuclei in oral exfoliative cytology of healthy controls and potentially malignant and malignant oral disorders subjects and also to compare according to different ages and gender.
Material & Method: A total of 50 patients with oral lesions and 50 healthy controls were randomly selected for the study. The subjects were divided into control group and study group. The study group was further subdivided into premalignant and malignant oral disorders. Oral mucosal cells were scraped from buccal mucosa of control group and from lesional tissues of study group using a premoistened wooden spatula. The slides were prepared which were then stained with 10% Giemsa solution and the frequency of micronuclei in epithelial cells were evaluated by scoring 1000 cells on each slide.
Results: Micronuclei frequency was significantly higher in malignant oral disorder group as compared to potentially malignant disorder group and control group. Also, it was significantly higher in potentially malignant disorder group as compared to control group (P value < 0.001).
Conclusion: Micronuclei frequency increases in buccal exfoliated cells of patients with increased risk of cancer; hence, it can be used as an early diagnostic tool for oral precancer and cancer detection.

Key words: Micronuclei frequency, Potentially malignant disorders, Malignant oral disorders, Exfoliative cytology

How to cite : Gupta A, Bhovi T V, Jaju P P, Gupta A, Gupta M, Shrivastava K, Micronuclei frequency as an early diagnostic tool for detection of Oral Cancer: A comparative study. Int J Oral Health Dent 2016;2(2):77-83

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