Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 9, Issue : 2, Year : 2023
Article Page : 135-137
Impacted molars are frequently seen in clinical circumstances. When compared to other teeth, wisdom teeth and the cuspid are discovered to be significantly more impacted. Aside, impacted teeth have a likelihood of more extreme and significant issues, which include fostering the growth of cysts and other consequences because of their close association to the nasal and oral cavity, in addition to their debilitating nature and a likely functioning disruption they can cause. For the patient, managing it is crucial from a cosmetic and practical standpoint. Impaction on premolars is thought to occur at a rate of about 0.5%. We focus on the case of a 19- year-old girl who had an uncommonly affected maxillary second premolar tooth that was treated with surgical exposure and orthodontic traction.
Keywords: Surgical approach, Impacted.
How to cite : Wadewale S N, Bhola N, Surgical approach of impacted maxillary second premolar – A case to report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2023;9(2):135-137
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Received : 10-04-2023
Accepted : 10-05-2023
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