Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 2, Issue : 1, Year : 2016
Article Page : 19-25
Implant dentistry is the branch of dentistry gaining popularity among dentist as well as in patient, which provide a clinical solution in cases of distal extention edentulousness, where conventional approaches fails to provide fixed treatment. Furthermore it is more conservative in terms of conventional FPD where tooth prepration is mandatory. Long-term predictability of implant restoration are well established, however agreement to prefer between screw-retained and cement retained restorations is always a topic of debate, which depends upon passivity of the framework, interarch space, occlusion, esthetics and loading characteristics. While cement retained restoration are better than screw in aspect of margin adaptation, occlusion, esthetics, passivity and cost reduction. But the major concern for the cement retained implant restoration is difficulty of retrievability, so it is very important to decide which type of cement should be used with different implant abutment characteristics such as abutment height, occlusal force, abutment surface characteristics and type of cement. Achieving a harmonious balance between mentioned factors can help us to achieve a cement retained prosthesis which can be retrieved without compromising survivability of the prosthesis.
Keywords: Implant Cements, retrievability
How to cite : Bhoyar A, Jain A, Parlani S, Pandey H, Selection of luting agent in implant retained prosthesis: A review. Int J Oral Health Dent 2016;2(1):19-25
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