Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 4, Year : 2021
Article Page : 299-301
Subcutaneous tissue emphysema in general terms is defined as an abnormal presence of air under pressure, along or between fascial planes. A sudden blast of air, during an ongoing endodontic treatment or an endodontic surgery can sometimes cause movement of this air through the loose connective tissue layers to distant areas. In case of occurrence of emphysema, the condition should be carefully examined as the entire diagnosis is based merely on clinical examination. The clinician should be aware of the common causes, characteristic diagnostic features, possible complications and the management of the condition. This entrapped air in some cases is self healing and in some cases can lead to serious complications and death. The case report described is a successful management of unintentional and unfortunate tissue emphysema. The case report also emphasis on the importance of timely and accurate diagnosis of the condition.
Keywords: Air water syringe, Crepitus, Endodontic treatment, Fascial planes, Subcutaneous emphysema, Tissue distension
How to cite : Singla M, Kaur H, Mittal L, Gupta V, Iatrogenic subcutaneous emphysema – A case report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2021;7(4):299-301
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Received : 16-09-2021
Accepted : 02-10-2021
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