Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 3, Year : 2021
Article Page : 219-222
Iatrogenic errors during exodontias includes trismus, alveolar osteitis, postoperative infection, hemorrhage, oro-antral communication, damage to adjacent teeth, displaced teeth, and fractures.While doing extraction chances of occurrence of fracture of mandible is fortuitously rare, but is under-reported. These fractures could occur in the intra-operative or postoperative period and can cause significant distress to the patient and the practitioner. This case report addresses the incidence of mandibular fracture in a 50-year-old male and various surgical treatment modalities and ways of prevention are discussed.
Keywords: Exodontia, Complications, Mandible, Iatrogenic fracture
How to cite : Wadhawan R, Mishra S, Kumari N, Gupta S K, Mansuri S, Devi L M, Iatrogenic fracture of right angle and left sub condyle in a 50 year old male: A case report. Int J Oral Health Dent 2021;7(3):219-222
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Received : 30-07-2021
Accepted : 27-08-2021
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