Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 3, Year : 2021
Article Page : 199-202
Background: To study the association between ECC, IQ & health in Sri ganganagar, Rajasthan.
Aim & Objective: to assess BMI & academic performance in ECC & Non ECC 3-6yr old school going children in Sri ganganagar, Rajasthan.
Materials & Methods: A total of 300 children were evaluated and oral examination was done using BMI scale – CDC (Centers for disease control and prevention), Weight scale- Unificare company Height scale – 200 cm Roll Ruller wall Mounted Height Stadiometer, Academic performance grade as per school record & Dentition status for caries assessment was conducted using dmf index of WHO form 1997. .
Result: A total of 300 school going children were selected from Sri ganganagar, Rajasthan of which 150 were having ECC & 150 Non ECC in the age groups of 3, 4, 5 and 6 years. Correlation between the ECC & Academic performance is stated.
Keywords: ECC, BMI, Children, Academic performance.
How to cite : Kaur G, Kumar S, Vaidehi A, Kishore A, Asif A, Joshi M, Comparitive evaluation of BMI & academic performance in ECC & non ECC 3-6 yr old school going children. Int J Oral Health Dent 2021;7(3):199-202
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Received : 10-03-2021
Accepted : 10-04-2021
Viewed: 1050
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