Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 3, Year : 2021
Article Page : 172-179
Aim: The lack of knowledge and stress towards COVID-19 can lead to unfavorable dentist’s attitude towards the practice making them reluctant and fearful in dental operatory. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and perceived stress among dental practitioners during current COVID-19 outbreak.
Materials and Methods: In this study, a total of 459 dental practitioners involving both general practitioners and specialists from different types of practice completed a questionnaire for assessment of knowledge and attitude towards COVID-19 and stress perceived by them. The association of perceived stress for gender, age, designation and type of practice was analyzed using Chi-square tests with Statistical significance set at 5% level.
Results: Total of 459 individuals participated in study with 51.0% males and 49.0% females, of them 54.7% were specialists and 45.31% general dental practitioners, working at different types of practices. More than 90% were aware of mode of transmission and were following current guidelines. Similar results were observed for attitude towards COVID-19. Majority of participants had total PSS scores in the study sample ranged from 0-38, with total mean scores of 17.08 (±7.8), Men demonstrated significantly lower values PSS scores when compared to females (p<0>
Conclusions: Covid-19 pandemic has led to increased level of stress among dental practitioner’s despite of possessing high level of knowledge and positive attitude.
Keywords: COVID-19. Perceived stress. Knowledge. Dental Practitioners.
How to cite : Singh R, Sarkar A, Jain V, Assesment of relationship between perceived stress and knowledge among oral health care workers during COVID-19 pandemic: A cross- sectional study. Int J Oral Health Dent 2021;7(3):172-179
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Received : 17-06-2021
Accepted : 19-07-2021
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