Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2021
Article Page : 40-42
When there is an exposure of gingival tissue of more than 2 mm while smiling is said to be gummy smile. There are various etiological factors that cause a gummy smile and there could be a relationship with heredity as an etiology for gummy smile.
Aim: To evaluate the relationship between gummy smile and heredity.
Materials and Methods: A sample of 100 patients of age between 10 to 25 years were selected based on the presence of a gummy smile of more than 2mm and the gummy smile was measured. Frontal photographs of patients with gummy smile of more than 2 mm were taken. Similarly, both the parents were also photographed. A detailed history of gummy smile running in the family for last two generations was recorded. The patients were then divided into two groups, namely, Group A (patients with gummy smile having a familial background) and Group B (patients with gummy smile not having a familial background).
Results: From the study 48% of the patients had gummy smile with a familial etiology and 52% of the patients had gummy smile without familial etiology which indicates heredity is not a significant etiological factor for gummy smile.
Conclusion: Eventhough a small percentage of patients did show a familial tendency of gummy smile, the majority of 52% of the subjects with gummy smile had no hereditary etiology , suggesting that the gummy smile did not exhibit hereditary pattern.
Keywords: Familial background, Gummysmile, Heredity.
How to cite : Jayaram P , Vaisakh R, Sonu Thomson P, Sajna M P, Varsha V, The hereditary pattern of gummy smile- A cross sectional study. Int J Oral Health Dent 2021;7(1):40-42
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Received : 01-03-2021
Accepted : 04-03-2021
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