Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2020
Article Page : 228-231
Introduction: Variation in the root canal anatomy is very commonly seen and the clinician should have
thorough knowledge of it. Out of all the maxillary 1st molar represents most vivid variation with respect to
number of canals.
Case Report: This article presents a case report with incidence of three canals orifices in mesiobuccal root
of maxillary 1st molar which was successfully managed endodontically under magnification.
Conclusion: Clinician should have thorough knowledge of complex root canal anatomy prior, for proper
diagnosis and treatment. This enables the clinician to overcome possible challenges of complex root canal
Keywords: Maxillary, 1st molar, Mesiobuccal.
How to cite : Gupta P, Palekar A , Biradar B, Parikh N, Desai K, Endodontic management of distinctive anatomic aberration with maxillary 1st molar -A case report of three mesiobuccal canal. Int J Oral Health Dent 2020;6(3):228-231
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