Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2020
Article Page : 163-170
Introduction: The infectious agent of this viral pneumonia happening in Wuhan was finally identified as a
novel coronavirus (2019-nCOV), the 7th member of the family of coronaviruses that infect humans widely
known as Covid-19. The common transmission routes of novel coronavirus include direct transmission
like cough, sneeze, and droplet inhalation transmission and contact transmission contact with oral, nasal,
and eye mucous membranes. Live viruses (COVID-19) were isolated from the saliva. Hence, healthcare
workers particularly the dental professionals are at more risk.
Objective: An overview of how-to setup the dental office so as to minimize the risk of transmission while
simultaneously carrying out the necessary treatment procedures.
Conclusion: A proper management and setup of the dental office and treatment planning along with strict
categorisation of patients is necessary for a successful and safe practice during Covid times.
Keywords: Dentistry covid, Dental covid setup, Covid and dental.
How to cite : Asok N , Srivastava V , Tandon R , Mahajan S , Sonal, Dental setup in the covid-ified era – A review. Int J Oral Health Dent 2020;6(3):163-170
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