Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 4, Year : 2015
Article Page : 194-196
Giant cell fibroma (GCF) is a distinct soft tissue overgrowth that may mimic fibroma of the gingiva, but has a distinctive histopathological difference. Most often seen in the third decade of life, this lesion is often asymptomatic but is not aesthetic when present in the anterior region of the jaw having a distinct histopathological appearance. GCF contains cells with large, stellate shaped fibroblasts, near the surface of the fibrous mass, beneath the overlying epithelium. This case report presents a case of GCF of maxillary gingiva seen in a middle aged male patient. Surgical excision of the lesion was performed and no recurrence was seen till six months of follow up examination. However, long term follow-up is required to rule out any recurrence.
Keywords: Giant Cell Fibroma, Stellate Fibroblasts, Excision, Gingival overgrowth
How to cite : Gupta S, Arora R, Sharma A, Gupta S, Giant Cell Soft Tissue Tumour of Maxilla. Int J Oral Health Dent 2015;1(4):194-196
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