Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 4, Year : 2015
Article Page : 177-181
Introduction: Orthodontic mini-implants can release metal ions into the saliva. NiTi orthodontic mini-implants from different manufacturers would have different corrosion resistance. Fluoridated mouthwashes are often recommended to orthodontic patients to reduce the risk of white-spot lesions around their mini-implants. We assayed the corrosion resistance, in terms of ion release, of different NiTi orthodontic mini-implants in different mouthwashes. The purpose of this study is to measure the levels of metal ions released from orthodontic mini-implants after immersion in different mouthwashes.
Methods: 30 orthodontic mini-implants from two different companies each, divided randomly into 3 equal groups were immersed in HEXIDINE (ICPA health products, India), LISTERINE mouthwash (Johnson & Johnson ltd. Bangalore, India), and distilled deionized water incubated at 37°C for 30 days. Nickel, chromium, iron, copper, and manganese released from the orthodontic mini-implants were measured with an inductively coupled plasma spectrometer.
Results: The results showed that ion release in Listerine mouthwash was significantly (P>0.05) higher than in the hexidine mouthwash and distilled water group.
Conclusion: CHX-containing (HEXIDINE) mouthwash can be offered to patients who have orthodontic appliances rather than Na + alcohol–containing mouthwash (LISTERINE).
Keywords: Ion Release, Mini-Implants, Mouthwash
How to cite : Mandsaurwala M, Kalia A, Gupta G, Hegde A, Mirdehghan N, Comparative evaluation of ion release from orthodontic mini-implants in 2 mouthwashes: An in-vitro study. Int J Oral Health Dent 2015;1(4):177-181
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