Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2019
Article Page : 168-173
Eating disorders (EDs) are psychosocial conditions having a significant impact on the patient’s general and oral health status. Since dentists are usually the first health professionals to encounter patients with EDs, it is important to be aware of the characteristic presentations of these disorders. This narrative review aims to provide a knowledge base for restoring dentists about three main eating disorders –Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa and Binge Eating Disorders, their systemic and oral manifestations, protocol for preventive care and comprehensive treatment plan. Literature search was conducted in electronic databases and 60 articles were selected for the review. Considerable emphasis is placed on diagnosis and management of such disorders. These patients pose a challenging situation to the dental fraternity, since most restoring dentists are unaware of the fundamental importance of their role in the multidisciplinary treatment and due to lack of training regarding strategies involved in their dental treatment.
Keywords: Eating disorders, Oral manifestations, Diagnosis, Prosthodontic management.
How to cite : Coutinho I, D’souza K M, Aras M A, Eating disorders: Condition of interest to a restoring dentist: A narrative review. Int J Oral Health Dent 2019;5(4):168-173
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