Determination of sexual dimorphism using lateral cephalogram - A Forensic study

  • Pritesh Ruparelia,  
  • Oshin Verma,*  
  • Navneet Gill,  
  • Kosha Ruparelia,  
  • Dr. Setu P Shah


Background: Physical anthropologists and anatomists developed the branch of anthropometry known as Craniometry or Cephalometry. The lateral cephalogram are simple and reliable tools which can be routinely used for the forensic and anthropological purposes and it is ideal for the skull examination as it gives details of various anatomical points in a single radiograph. Accurate determination of sex and stature from human skull is of great importance in forensic investigations. Aim: The purpose of this study is to check the accuracy and reliability of maxillary sinus morphometry in gender determination by using lateral cephalogram. Objectives: The objectives of the present study are to (i) assess the morphology parameters of maxillary sinus on lateral cephalogram of female patients, (ii) assess the morphology parameters of maxillary sinus on lateral cephalogram of male patients and (iii) gender determination from lateral cephalogram. Methodology: Lateral Cephalograms of 510 participants, 255 males and 255 females was obtained by standard acquisition technique using Carestream Digital Panoramic and Cephalometric device (CS8000C) for extra-oral radiography. Area and perimeter of maxillary sinus on the lateral cephalograms were measured by marking the outer borders of maxillary sinus in AutoCAD (Autodesk, Inc.) for gender determination. The means of both area and perimeter of maxillary sinus were compared for males and females to see for any statistically significant difference using Independent sample student’s t-test. Finally to find out whether area and perimeter of maxillary sinus can discriminate the gender of the skull, Discriminant Functional Analysis was applied. Results: The mean area for male maxillary sinus as 531.6276 mm2 with SD (75.177), whereas the mean area for female maxillary sinus is 422.7012 mm2 with SD (61.2981). The mean perimeter of male maxillary sinus is 91.0837 mm with SD (7.2117) and valid N, whereas in females, mean perimeter of maxillary sinus is 82.2952 mm with SD (7.2759). The discriminant function analysis resulted in 79.8% of original group cases classified correctly based on the area of maxillary sinus and 74.1% of original group cases classified correctly based on the perimeter of maxillary sinus. Conclusion: The area and perimeter of maxillary sinus in males was found to be larger than those of females and this difference was statistically significant. In conclusion, the results obtained from this study show that sexual dimorphism can be determined by measuring the area and perimeter on lateral cephalograms by means of discriminant function analysis, and therefore, be useful in forensic dentistry for identification purposes.


Lateral cephalogram,forensic,gender identification,maxillary sinus,area,perimeter

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